Guide for Authors

General Guidelines:

Articles for publication should be submitted in duplicate (an electronic copy) to the Editorial Executive; articles under consideration for publication in other journals/periodicals or which have already been published elsewhere should not be submitted. Articles should be written in English. The usage of correct English is the responsibility of the author. Before submission, the manuscript should be proofread for possible linguistic and typographical errors. The manuscript should be submitted on a numbered sheet.


Title Sheet:

The title of the article, name (s) of the author (s), and the address (es) of the institution (s) where the work has been carried out should be typed on a separate sheet of paper. These details will be typed set to a standard format by the publisher. The name of the journal to which the article is submitted should be mentioned in the title sheet. The complete address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail ID (if available) of the corresponding author should also be given in the title sheet. In addition to the title of the article, a running title (should title) not exceeding 60 characters including spaces should be given in the title sheet.

The rest of the sections of the article should be arranged in the following order:

  1. A short ABSTRACT not exceeding 250 words.
  4. For review articles, authors have full freedom in titling and arranging the sections following the INTRODUCTION. Whereas for original articles, we recommend the material following the INTRODUCTION to be brought under the section heads MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION (or RESULTS AND DISCUSSION combined) and CONCLUSION
  6. REFERENCES should come as the section of the article.
  • Authors should check that every reference in the text appears in the list of references and vice versa. In the text, references to other papers should be cited using consecutive numbers in parenthesis (e.g.: [1], [2]) and they should be listed numerically in the last section.

Example for citing references:

[1]  G. B. Abdelaziz et al., “Performance enhancement of tubular solar still using nano-enhanced energy storage material integrated with v-corrugated aluminum basin, wick, and nanofluid,” J. Energy Storage, vol. 41, p. 102933, Sep. 2021, doi: 10.1016/J.EST.2021.102933.

[2]  P. K. Chaurasiya et al., “A review of techniques for increasing the productivity of passive solar stills,” Sustain. Energy Technol. Assessments, vol. 52, p. 102033, 2022, doi:

ABBREVIATIONS, if any may be given either after the ABSTRACT section or just prior to the REFERENCES section.


The entire text including the ABSTRACT and REFERENCES should be submitted typed in single- columns of width NOT EXCEEDING 6.8cm (justified or unjustified) and of any depth. Preparation of the camera-ready double will be handled by our technical personnel.

Text formatting details:

Fonts: Please use Times New Roman (for English Research).

Font size: Fonts, in general, should have a size of 10 points. Size of superscript and subscript characters should not be less than 9 points. Section headings (ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION etc.) should be typed in 10 points bold font and be placed on a separate line. Scientific names should be in 10-point italics.

Line spacing: The manuscript should be typed with single spacing between the lines.

Preparation of Tables: Numbering: All the tables should be numbered consecutively using English numerals. The caption to each table should be given with the respective table and should be numbered. Care should also be able to make sure that all the tables are referred to in the text. Tables adapted from previously published work should accompany consent letters from the original publication.

Font size: The font used in tables should not be of the size less than 10 points or 1-2mm. If the table contains illustrations, for example, structural formulae, the thickness of the lines should be least 1 point.

Dimensions: Dimensions of tables should not exceed a width of 14cm and a height of 20 cm inclusive of the table- caption. If the table exceeds these dimensions, it should be properly split such as to be accommodated in more than one page. Tables can be submitted either.

On separate sheets or be incorporated into the text itself.

Preparation of figures: Figures should be limited to material essential for the text.

Numbering:  All the figures should be numbered consecutively using English numerals. The legend to figures should appear directly below the respective figures. Please make sure that all the figures are referred to in the text.

Dimensions: Dimensions of figures should not exceed a width of 14cm and a height of 20cm. Figures may be submitted either on separate sheets or be incorporated into the text itself.

Copyright issues:  Figures adapted or taken from data sources of previously published work should accompany consent letters from the original publisher for republication.

  1. Line drawings

Line drawings including graphs, schemes, structures, etc. should be submitted as sharp high-quality laser or digital printouts. All lines.

In the line drawings should be of uniform thickness, and should not be less than 1 1/2

Points or 0.5mm. The alphabetic and numeric characters used in the line drawings should not be less than 10 points in size.

  1. Photographs/Micrographs

Photographs and micrographs should exhibit high contrast. They should be numbered correctly on the reverse, and their legends should be given on a separate sheet of paper with correct numbering. As far as possible, the size of the photographs/micrographs should be limited to a minimum. This is to ensure maximum utilization of available print space. Photographs and micrographs that are to appear as a group should be mounted together.

  1. Colour figures

Multicolour photographs/illustrations are acceptable but would involve are production charge. The electronic version of colour

Figures may be prepared and submitted in RGB (Red, Green, Blue) colour space. RGB files would be used when the article is made available on the web and on CD-ROMs. However, for the print process, RGB files will be converted to CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) colour space. In addition to the electronic version, a high-quality original print of the multicolour figures should always be submitted.

Printing colour figures in black & white:

We strongly recommend that figures to be printed in black-and-white be submitted in black-and-white. When ang not in colour. Figures supplied in colour will have to be converted to grayscale when printed in black-and-white. When converted to grayscale, colours that display a clear difference may appear very similar to each other. This is true both for line and photographic images. The author should check the results of such a conversion prior to submission to make sure the figures exhibit the contrast when printed in black-and-white.

Scanning and Conversion resolution for figures:

Make sure that any figure placed into MS Office applications is at the appropriate minimum resolution: 300dpi for photographs & micrographs, 500dpi for combinations of photographs, micrographs & line drawings and 600 for line drawings and grayscale figures.

Submission of the Electronic version of the manuscript:

The authors must submit an electronic version of their manuscript in addition to the hard-copy version. This is to facilitate the generation of PDF and XML versions of the article for the purpose of making the journal available in multiple media formats such as print, web databases CD-ROM.

Manuscripts should be submitted in one of the following formats.

  • Microsoft Word document
  • Rich Text
  • Adobe Acrobat PDF. If the manuscript is submitted in PDF format, they should also be submitted along with it. Manuscripts may be submitted either by email (as an email attachment) or on CD-ROM by regular mail.

Prior to submission, please check the disk with a malware/virus detection program. Label the CD- ROM with the first author's name. On the CD label, provide the name and version of the platform used, the software used, and the names of files it contains.

Presentation and layout:

Please use Times New Roman, Times Roman or Times fonts as Most formatting codes will be (e.g. Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) character fonts) may cause the PDF conversion to fail Most formatting codes will be Removed or replaced while processing the article. So there is no need for you to apply excessive layout styling. Avoid options such as automatic word-breaking, automatic paragraph numbering (especially for numbered references), double-columns, etc. However, do use boldface, italics, subscripts, superscripts, etc. Do not include any page-formatting instructions in the file. Formatting instructions for placement of figures, tables, etc. should only mark on the hard-copy version in pencil. All of the text, tabular material and figures if any should be in one file, with the complete text first, followed by the tabular material and figures. If figures are present, they may as well be submitted as separate files in addition to the main single file of the manuscript. Ensure that all characters are correctly represented throughout the manuscript; for example, 1 (ones) and 1 (ells), 0(Zeros) and O(ohs). Carefully check the final copy for consistent notation and correct spelling. Our PDF conversion software will faithfully translate any errors to the typeset copy. The general presentation and layout of the manuscript should be done as discussed earlier under the sections 'PRESENTATION ' and 'PAGE LAYOUT '.


Authors are usually requested to order for a minimum of 10 reprints of their article. Those who do not require

Hard-copy reprints may opt for electronic prints under open access. Those would entitle them to receive a free copy of the journal/book series carrying their article. Authors may also request for a complimentary copy their institutional library.